We're excited to announce the winners of the second Baltic Sustainability Awards. After evaluating more than 240 applications and hearing 29 finalist pitches, the winners in 8 categories have been selected. Meet the exciting finalists and their exciting sustainability innovation initiatives.

Winners of the IMPACT category:
Renewable energy: Aerones Engineering (Latvia)
Sustainable resources: UP Catalyst (Estonia)
Supply chain: Marine Digital (Baltic)
Social initiatives: Oxylabs (Lithuania)
Sustainable cities & mobility: ECO BUS (Latvia)
Winners of the INNOVATION category:
Enterprise: Fibenol (Estonia)
Startup: Aerones Engineering (Latvia)
Winners of the CHANGEMAKER category:
Latvia: Daniels Trukšāns, Eco-Schools programme coordinator in Latvia
Estonia: Tarvo Ong, CEO of Fusebox
Lithuania: Gediminas Kondrackis, Founder of The Climate Museum, association “Aktyvus Jaunimas” and “Tvariau.lt”
The special prize from Clear Channel was given to Tet, while Sorainen gave their special prize to Fibenol.
Baltic Sustainability Awards are organized by innovation management company Helve, and it would not be possible without the support of our founding partner Rimi Baltic, strategic methodology partner EY Baltic, partners Dokobit, Baltic Block, Signet Bank, Sorainen and informative partners IR Nauda, Clear Channel and Delfi.
Let's keep up the good work towards a more sustainable future, and see you all next year to continue the celebration of Baltic-level achievements in sustainability and innovation! Follow us to hear more inspiring stories on sustainable innovation.
See you at the Baltic Sustainability Awards 2023!